Lack of Coherent Testing Strategy Creates Uncertainties for Clinical Laboratories about COVID-19 Testing Volumes
Influential quotes by Gary Procop, MD, MS, of the Cleveland Clinic, on the role of clinical laboratory and anatomic pathology group leaders in developing a national COVID-19 testing strategy.
Clinical Laboratories May Lose SARS-CoV-2 Testing Volumes to Veterinarian Labs
Implications of blurring the lines between human testing laboratories and veterinarian labs.
HHS Announces New Guidance for SARS-CoV-2 Testing Reporting by Clinical Laboratories
SARS-CoV-2 test reporting requirements just multiplied. Clinical laboratories are on a deadline now.
FDA Issues List of SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Tests That Have Been Removed from the FDA’s Notification List
Introduction to commercially manufactured SARS-CoV-2 serology tests listed with the status of “Removed – Should Not Be Distributed.”